Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Welcome Learners!

Get ready for eight grade English! This year we will be discovering our identities as readers and writers, thinkers and communicators. We will be discovering how each of us as individuals can connect to each other, the world around us, and the texts we are reading. As we work to become life-long readers and learners, we will work to discover what matters to each of us and how reading, writing, and communicating can help us reach our goals.

Materials needed for class include:

1. A writer's notebook (composition or spiral bound)
2. A highlighter
3. Pens and pencils
4. Loose leaf paper
5. Outside reading novels
6. A binder to keep materials organized

Please get an outside reading novel as soon as possible. This can be any book that you would like to read - whatever interests you!

The first book we will be reading as a class is The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton. These books will be provided by the school, but if at all possible, it is recommended that parents buy their child a copy of his or her own. This will allow the student to annotate the book, bring it back and forth from school, and develop life long reading habits.


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